Time-Gated Raman spectroscopy to improve chemical sensitivity for in-situ bioreactor monitoring
This project proposes to demonstrate the capabilities of timegated Raman spectroscopy (TG-RS) to improve the SNR ratio of Raman data using a traditional chemometrics approach (PLS) and a calibration free approach (iterative optimization technology, IOT).
Process control
Project status
77% Completed
Industry Need
Raman spectroscopy has seen widespread application as a process analytical technology for bioreaction monitoring.
Traditional Raman spectroscopy (TRS) struggles with fluorescence emission (common to many components in bioreactions).
Fluorescence interference decreases the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the acquired spectra, reducing interpretability.
Time-gated Raman spectroscopy (TG-RS) overcomes fluorescence interference by taking advantage of the delay between Raman signal and fluorescence emission.
Interpretation of Raman spectra is accomplished by employing chemometric models, namely partial least squares (PLS).
Developing and calibrating these models can be demanding, particularly in complex bioreaction systems. Calibration-free models based on linearly additive pure component spectra offer a favorable alternative, but non-linear interferences (e.g., fluorescence) reduces model performance.
Mitigating interference via TG-RS enables pure component model approaches.
NIPTE and Pfizer have teamed up to demonstrate the ability of TG-RS to reduce fluorescence and improve SNR of key metabolites in bioreactions. The superior SNR will enable the development and comparison of PLS and pure component models for the quantification of these metabolites during bioreactions of industrially relevant organisms.
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