Blaze™ Microchip System for Real-Time Characterization of Intact Biopharmaceutical
The goal of this NIIMBL project is to align the powerful technology BlazeTM instrument system for real-time protein analysis with the most urgent needs of biopharma. This will include evaluating assay performance with Tier 1 partner samples.
Equipment and Supplies
Project status
100% Completed
Industry Need
The traditional two-step workflow – iCIEF followed by MS – has been cumbersome and low capacity, creating a bottleneck in protein analytics that can lead to costly development delays and bioproduction failures.
Intabio developed the Blaze Microchip iCIEF-MS System to address the critical bottleneck in protein analysis.
Develop Blaze methods for six mAb drug samples. Demonstrate reproducibility and comparability with legacy partner data. Present data to partners.
Query partners on MS integration needs. Design and test additional MS adaptors.
Hold workshop with partners to assess requirements for Blaze in-line bioreactor analytics.
Develop an in-line application for Blaze instrumentation using detection of protein structural variants by charge heterogeneity analysis with in-line mass spectrometer analysis of enable product quality assessment during bioproduction.
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