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Project Call 8.1

NIIMBL is pleased to announce Project Call 8.1 for technology, workforce development, and Global Health Fund Projects. Through Project Call 8.1, NIIMBL intends to fund innovative, collaborative, member-led projects that advance manufacturing technologies, builds awareness of biopharmaceutical manufacturing careers, and enhances manufacturing capabilities for mRNA vaccines.

NIIMBL intends to makes up to $4M available for technology and workforce development projects, and an additional $1.7M available through the Global Health Fund. The concept submission deadline is September 30, 2024. Submitters must be NIIMBL members.

Requests for Proposals (RFPs)

Submission Hub

Topic Areas


Process Analytical Technology and Control for Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing

  • In-line Monitoring and Multivariate Analysis (MVA)
  • Real-time Analytical Technologies
  • Advanced Sensors

Manufacturing Platforms for Biopharmaceutical Products

  • Robust Analytical Tools
  • Expression Systems for Viral Vectors
  • Solid-phase Growth Factor Delivery Vehicles
  • Automated RNA and DNA Extraction Devices
  • Custom Bioreactors
  • Efficient Cell Washing and Concentration Technologies

Workforce Development

  • Increasing Knowledge and Interest in Biopharma Manufacturing Careers
  • Increasing Participation and Enrollment in Education and Training Programs
  • Internship and Immersion Experiences
  • Innovative Talent Pipeline Partnerships

Global Health Fund

  • mRNA/LNP Alternatives and Lowering Cost of Goods

Participation Benefits

Project Calls give NIIMBL members the opportunity to work collaboratively on solutions to current biopharmaceutical manufacturing technology and talent development challenges. 

Large Industry

  • Steer the development of new ideas towards areas of strategic importance for the industry.
  • Partner with academic institutions and small-to-medium manufacturing companies with innovative technologies to meet your current manufacturing challenges.
  • Connect with investigators and learn about new capabilities during our Project Call Summit.
  • Access innovative technology and workforce solutions through active participation on projects.
  • Serve as a reviewer to prioritize proposals that align in industry interests.
  • Share risks and benefits of new innovations through partnerships

Small-to-Medium Manufacturers (SMMs)

  • Showcase your company’s capabilities to large manufacturers and receive feedback on your technologies.
  • Align your capabilities with industry needs and increase visibility.
  • Share your technology and concept during our virtual Project Call Summit.
  • Secure partnerships to help mature your technology toward commercialization through collaboration with industry and academic institutions.
  • Develop partnerships with large companies and academic institutions within the NIIMBL member community.
  • Access commercialization expertise and industry networks.
  • Share your technology and concept during our virtual Project Call Summit.

Academic Research Institutions

  • Collaborate with large industry, small-to-medium manufacturers, and other academic institutions to work toward innovative biopharmaceutical solutions.
  • Understand current industry challenges and develop potential solutions.
  • Share your innovative ideas with industry during the
    virtual Project Call Summit.
  • Secure partnerships to develop and advance your technology.
  • Apply knowledge and innovations in a real-world setting, increasing the impact of your work.

Community Colleges and Nonprofits

  • Work collaboratively with companies to ensure training programs meet their skills gaps.
  • Share your training solution with industry during the virtual Project Call Summit.
  • Secure partnerships to develop biopharma training and education programs.

Concept Stage Webinar

Key Dates

August 29, 2024 RFP Release
September 12, 2024 (noon  ET) Concept Stage Webinar 
September 30, 2024 (5:00 pm ET) Concept Paper Due
Mid-October 2024 Virtual Summit
Early November 2024 Invite for Full Proposal
January 31, 2025 (5:00 pm ET) Full Proposal Due
February 2025 Proposal Review
Expected March 2025 Award Decisions Announced


If you have questions, contact [email protected].

Become a member

We offer a variety of membership options that give you the flexibility to choose your organization’s level of engagement based on technology interests and priorities.