BioCAD Data Programming for Biomanufacturing Scale-Up
The proposed effort will scale and differentiate data programming resources into a comprehensive and easy-to-deploy resource for workforce digital upskilling and student exposure, strengthening and diversifying the biopharma workforce.
Talent/ Pipeline development
Project status
6% Completed
Industry Need
The project responds to three specific objectives prioritized in the NIIMBL 7.1 Workforce proposal call: (1) education and training for new technologies/modalities; (2) increase interest in biomanufacturing careers; and (3) immersion experiences for non-traditional degrees.
The project will support biopharma companies enhance their internal digital upskilling programs and empower their non data scientists to bridge the gap between basic problems and complex challenges encountered in their workstreams. Through the Certificate and/or series of stackable badges that build real-world skills that are of high interest to a wide variety of learners who would not otherwise have any exposure to biomanufacturing. In partnership with BCI, the project will also serve as a skilling component of fellowships designed for first-generation college student and veteran learners, and empower community college instructors across a variety of disciplines to expose and introduce a diverse group of students to biopharma manufacturing careers.
Coming soon
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